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Candidate for the position of President

Image for Marian Zanfir

Marian Zanfir

How would you work to amplify student voice?

I will amplify student voice by establishing open communication channels like suggestion boxes, regular meetings open to all students. Collaborate with student organisations and societies to ensure diverse perspectives are represented. Use regular surveys to gather feedback on relevant issues and policies, and advocate for representation of underrepresented groups in leadership positions. Prioritise transparency and accountability in decision-making processes, and empower students through education on advocacy and governance. Build positive relationships with faculty and administration to advocate for student interests. Through these strategies, we can effectively amplify the voices of students and the broader student body, fostering a more inclusive and supportive university community.

How would you work with the University to achieve positive change for students? 

I would prioritise open dialogue, forging partnerships, and advocating for student interests. This involves participating in university governance, ensuring student representation in decision-making processes, and implementing feedback mechanisms. Transparency in decision-making is crucial, fostering trust and accountability. By presenting well-researched proposals and collaborating with university departments, faculty, and staff, we can address student concerns effectively. Through these efforts, we aim to enhance the student experience, academic environment, and campus life for the benefit of the entire student community.

What skills or expertise do you have that would make you suitable for the role?

As a nursing student and President of the nursing society, coupled with my role as a Dignity Champion, I offer a strong skill set for the Student Union Presidency. My leadership experience demonstrates my ability to inspire and unite others toward common goals, while my advocacy skills, developed through promoting dignity in healthcare, enable me to effectively represent student interests. With adept communication abilities honed through organizing events and advocating for nursing students, I possess the necessary tools to engage with diverse stakeholders. Additionally, my empathy and understanding of student needs, gained through my nursing education, equip me to address concerns effectively. Overall, my background positions me well to serve as a dedicated advocate for student welfare and community enhancement.