About Us

Welcome to the Brighton Music Society!


Hi there and welcome to the Music Society's webpage!

The essential idea for our society is to simply bring a group of people together and play music, open to anyone! We have sessions on Mondays and Fridays at Cockcroft lecture hall G50, from 6pm to 8pm, during which we rehearse songs that are on our current setlist. These songs are voted on by our members, and the setlist is updated every few weeks. Having your own instrument is preferable!

Outside of society meetups at the G50, we organise events such as open mics and society socials (these include going to gigs together, quizzes, album listening parties,...). We look forward to seeing you in the studio!

You can also join:
- our Discord server

- our Whatsapp group


No upcoming events


VP Finance

VP Social

No runing elections at the moment