About Us

Our aim is to bring together a group of people to meditate every week. Meditating with others is a great way to meet likeminded people and begin or deepen a meditation practice. Being around others who are inspired by meditation will give you fresh motivation to do it but most importantly it will help you to notice the great benefits and changes your life can take on.

Meditation is about bringing more conciousness to our body, mind and senses. This reduces stress and anxiety, by calming our body and mind. Meditation isn't only about becoming more calm; meditating makes us less emotionally reactive because we gradually bring more conciousness to our everyday lives through our practice. This enables us to notice and catch ourselves before we act in ways that we will regret, bringing more peace to our everyday lives.

Meditation simply makes us more concious. 

We will be holding a session every Monday 18:00 – 19:30 in Grand Parade 204. 

All levels of experience are welcome!

Each session will start with a short introduction, then we will lead a brief guided meditation, followed with tea and biscuits.

Finally, we will hold a semi-guided meditation for those who want to stay on for more.

In the future we will organise social events, trips and more.

Come along try it out, we'd love to meet you.


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