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Our advisers are trained and experienced in dealing with the academic procedures of the University. 

BSU Advice Service

We understand that things sometimes can go wrong with your course or exams - if they do, don’t panic. 

You can seek help and support from your Personal Academic Tutor, Student Support & Guidance Tutor (SSGT). You can also read our Academic Self Help and FAQs.

The University may refer you to us for advice. To find out how to access the service, please go to this page.

You may also find the University's Problems with your course pages useful. 

Help articles

Our Guides to Common Academic Issues

We’ve prepared these guides to help you understand the “must know” University regulations and how they might affect you and your studies.

Academic Misconduct

Find out about the University's procedure for when students are accused of poor Academic Practice or Academic Misconduct.


Information on what constitutes a complaint, the Complains Process and potential outcomes.


Information on the University's rules and regulations, and what happens if these are breached.


Find out about extensions, deadlines and the impact potential impact on your studies.

Fitness to practice (suitability to practice)

Information about fitness to practice, investigations, outcomes and the support BSU Advice can provide

Issues with study

Processes available to help you if you are experiencing personal problems which are affecting your studies

Academic Appeals

Here you can find more information about what an Academic Appeal is so you can decide whether it is the right course of action for you.

Additional Consideration

If you experience exceptional circumstances which result in the following you can submit a request for Additional Consideration.

University Redundancies Response

Brighton Students' Union response to University announcement of redundancies