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Most of the information found on our Support web pages is aimed at University of Brighton students but is broadly applicable to BSMS students too.

This is because BSMS regulations are very similar, often identical to those at the University of Brighton.  

We would encourage you to contact us for support and discuss your case, receive bespoke advice, and ensure you are on the right track in dealing with your problem. 

We recognise that sometimes things can go wrong, and we want you to know that we are here to provide you with advice and information. 

We are here to advise and inform you about: 

  • Additional Consideration 

  • Extensions to deadlines 

  • Academic appeals 

  • Complaints 

  • Bullying & harassment

  • Academic misconduct 

  • Fitness to Practise 

  • Fitness to study 

  • Disciplinary 

  • Housing issues



Trade union membership and medico-legal advice

As a medical student, you may be a member of a trade union or other similar organisations, such as the British Medical Association (BMA) or the Medical Defence Union (the MDU). If you are not, we strongly encourage you to consider the benefits of joining one or more of these organisations during your time as a student, and beyond into your career as a doctor. We are happy to work alongside the BMA, the MDU, and other sources of medico-legal advice in a way that best supports you.

When working with the BMA, MDU, or other third parties, we may decide that it would be appropriate for the other organisation to assume a leading role.

Medical Defence Union (the MDU)

- Student membership of the MDU is free.

- The MDU is a source of medico-legal advice.

- You can request their support if you face criticism from patients during the clinical aspects of your course or need assistance with fitness to practise or disciplinary hearings, or if you have a concern about patient confidentiality or consent.

There are a range of other benefits as well. You can read more about what the MDU does for students here. You can read more about student membership here

The MDU also have a student and foundation liaison manager to help you with any enquiries about student membership benefits. They can also provide you with sponsorship for academic and social events. The liaison manager can be contacted via or 020 7202 6737.

British Medical Association (the BMA):

- The BMA is a trade union for UK doctors.

- The BMA represents, supports and negotiates on behalf of all UK doctors and medical students.

- The BMA can provide advice and representation for a range of issues facing medical students.

They also provide mentoring and other resources during your studies and your career. Membership of the BMA is free for your first year of medical school, £3.25 per month for 2nd and 3rd year, £3.75 per month for 4th year and beyond.

You can find more information on how to join here.