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January can be stressful, on top of everything many of you are undergoing exams and or assignment deadlines. We want to take the chance to discuss the benefit of wildlife and natural spaces in our wellbeing and join in a group activity!

January can be stressful, on top of everything many of you are undergoing exams and or assignment deadlines. We want to take the chance to discuss the benefit of wildlife and natural spaces in our wellbeing and join in a group activity!

Wildlife provides us with so many benefits it is impossible to measure accurately, but it is clear that being in and around nature has amazing benefits to the individual. From taking a walk in the countryside, meditating under a tree or simply having a plant on your desk, can have amazing benefits to your mental wellbeing and even your acedemic progress! 

Join us for a relaxing event to ease you back into the new semmester, we look forward to seeing you all soon and keep an eye out for event updates. 

The event will be online on the Ecological Society teams channel, if anyone is struggling to access this please don't hesitate to ask any of the commitee members for help.