2017/01 January - Bio Haste Society

CONGRATULATIONS to BioHaste Society for winning Society of the Month for January. Here's what they had to say about the event they ran that bagged them the award.

#1 What was the objective of your event?

The objective of the event was to bring together the three years of biology students in Hastings and to run a Human Biology trip. Also, with our screenings of Planet Earth II – bring together Hastings students from all courses.

#2 When did your event take place?

Planet earth II was weekly during the showings and the trip to the Royal College of Surgeons was on the 14.12.2016

#3 Where did your event take place?

The screenings were shown in the Havelock lecture theatre and the trip to Royal College of Surgeons and Winter Wonderland – Hyde Park - was in London.

#4 How many people came?

The trip to London brought 24 biology students and the planet earth screenings varied per week but with a maximum 15.

#5 How did the attendees participate?

Within the museum there was the opportunity for the attendees to practice their surgery skills on realistic skin, experience the festiveness of Winter Wonderland and had the opportunity - who without our society - wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet and socialise with peers from other year groups.

#6 What did you learn?

A more in depth understanding of human physiology and anatomy as well as getting to know our peers from other year groups.

#7 How does your event benefit students?

It provided a once in a lifetime opportunity to gain access to a museum that has never been seen before by non-medical students. Where there were genuine human tissue samples on display – which provides a different aspect of learning and a more realistic idea of human anatomy. Unfortunately, we could not take many pictures as we were abiding by the Human Tissues Act.