2020/11 November - Psychology Society

CONGRATULATIONS to Psychology Society the winners of Society of the Month!

Name of Event - 1) Wellbeing Evening Collaboration  2) Late Halloween Social 3) Thriller Film Party

Please tell us the Aims and Objectives of the Event - 

The wellbeing evening collaboration was focused on informing and talking around wellbeing during lockdown and how students can maintain their motivation, wellbeing and strengths during lockdown. This was in collaboration with the Wellbeing society to provide resources and information so that students can take care of themselves.

The late Haloween event was a night of fun jackbox party games and spooky cosutmes! at the end of the night the best dressed won a free psychology society hoodie! The aim was to be in the spooky spirit, while engaging attendees in fun games!

The Thriller film night was to relax and engage with a cerebral film called Busters Mal heart. followed by a conversation around our interpretation around the film and the messages it was sending. The aim was to have a relaxed evening around conversations the film.

How did the attendees participate?

Each event took place on Zoom.

The wellbeing event contained a power point presentation where the committee members talked about psychological wellbeing research and some tips around maintaining your wellbeing during lockdown. This was followed by an interactive questionaire around individual strengths, how to use them daily, and a general chat about peoples feelings, thoughts and troubles during lockdown. We provided a safe space for anyone to talk.

The Late Halloween event included a Jackbox party session where links and game codes were provided. Each participant was able to play along and take part in the party games. This was followed by encouraging attendees to turn their cameras on so we could admire their spooky cosutmes!

The film thriller night was on two different platforms, Zoom and Netflix party. We started the session in zoom just to welcome and say hello to everyone. once everyone had the Party Link loaded we started the film and used the chat function to talk/react to the film. We then returned to Zoom to have a discussion.

What did you learn?

We learned the importance of having a planned schedule to maintain events and keep attendees engaged. Following that, we have all learned to be flexible if things dont go to plan, so we usually have a backup plan incase online software fails like jackbox crashes or someone cant use an online tool. This is so we can be inclusive and adaptive at the same time.

We also learned new tools such as Netflix party and certain Zoom functions to keep things entertaining.

How did the event benefit students?

The wellbeing event benefitted students as it gave them information around maintaining motivation, energy, and well-mental health. We had a very engaging conversation around what our strengths are and how we use them/arent using them. There was a lot of positive feedback from the attendees on this event.

Both the Halloween and Film event gave students the chance to socialise, have a fun and engaging event, and develop relations with other attendees.