Come and attend our society-led book sale on the 15th October!
You will be able to sell any unwanted Law Books from you previous years of your degree and also buy other students unwanted books!
(See full details below)
The Rules:
- Law Degree Related Books only!
- All sales will be in cash.
- No book can be sold for more than £7.50 each!
- We ask that 50p from each book sold be donated towards future Law Society events.
- Anyone wanting to sell any books must arrive at 6pm to set up.
- Anyone wanting to buy books ONLY please arrive from 6:15pm to allow our sellers to set up.
The main aim of this event is to aid Law students in both buying books cheaply from other students who are eager to sell them! The 50p donation from each book sale is to aid our society in future events and still leaves each selling student with up to £7 profit per book (more if you manage to sell multiple of your books).