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Candidate for the position of Anime and Manga Society - VP Social



Hey all!

My name is Max, but you probably am already familiar with me, as I’ve already been acting as VP social since the beginning of 2024, and I’ve been a member of the society in general for the last 2 years. I’m here to tell you that I’m applying for the title of VP Social once more for the next academic year, as it’s a role and responsibility that I have loved to fill and have been passionate about since the start of my term, and I hope you’ve all been enjoying my company and role in making our society what it is now.

I promise that if you vote for me next year, I will continue to make sure the environment of the society is a fun, safe and comfortable space to be for all, alongside keeping the fun variety of our social media posts in tact. I also promise to make sure to assist our next president in keeping the quality of the events consistent and once again a fun welcoming and interactive environment for anime fans new and old, as I believe nobody should feel like they’re left out or unrecognised, everyone’s feelings and opinions matter, and regardless of what they may be, I want to be there to listen to them. Even though I’ll be in my 3rd year and as busy as ever, I will still always make time for this society, as it’s something that’s near and dear to me, and making sure everybody has fun is important to me too. Regardless though I will be here to stay and support everyone as much as possible, VP social or not! 

Thank you so much for your time and consideration! Hope to see you all soon!

- Max Garnett